It takes more than great code
to be a great engineer.

Soft Skills Engineering is a weekly advice podcast for software developers.

The show's hosts are experienced developers who answer your questions about topics like:

  • pay raises
  • hiring and firing developers
  • technical leadership
  • learning new technologies
  • quitting your job
  • getting promoted
  • code review etiquette
  • and much more...

Soft Skills Engineering is made possible through generous donations from listeners. A heart with a striped shadowSupport us on Patreon

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Episode 78: Endless Rewrites and Fake Deadlines


This week Jamison and Dave answer these questions:

  1. We’ve re-written the project I’m on 10 times without launching. What should I do?
  2. I worked hard to hit a deadline, only to find out the deadline was moved. How do I avoid this in the future?

We talked a bit about the value of deadlines way back in episode nine if you want to hear some positive things about deadlines.

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Episode 77: Boss Wants Me To Speak and The 2% Raise


This week Jamison and Dave answer these questions:

  1. My boss wants me to speak at conferences, but I’m very new to software. What should I do?
  2. How do I get more than a 2% raise? That is the company average.

We talked about conferences a bit more way back in episode 6.

We also talked more about playing the salary game in episode 23, which is a technique for sharing salary information with your co-workers.

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Episode 76: Writing Goals and Firing Jokes


This week Jamison and Dave answer these questions:

  1. My organization requires me to set goals for myself. What advice do you have for writing good technical and non-technical goals?
  2. My managers openly joke about firing people all the time. What should I do?